Apple of My i(TunesU)?

Apple made some sort of announcement today revolutionising everything, reinventing everything, or something…

The OU may have been in the presentation as part of the story to date or as part of the story to come…

OU gets a mention then at #appleed announcement?

…but I couldn’t tell from a quick trawl of related OU sites…( redirects to but there’s no “news” there, 404s, and there’s nothing (yet?) on the OU media release page (note that 404s). has no news, nor does . The community site has, err, no news I can see, except maybe providing a bit of balance?!;-)

OU platfrom on itunesu/ibooks announcement day

(Will Android users be invited in to the new world order? Hmm..and I wonder, does the iTunesU stuff come with “free” DRM to protect the user….?[IT’s been pointed out to me in comments that iTunesU is DRM free… Still worth checking round the various iTunesU and iBook Author license conditions though…])

To show solidarity with the often (incorrectly perceived as) flakey nature of academic computery related things, Apple adopted sector standards in terms of dynamic page building (“an error occurred”):

iBooks Author - an error occurred...

And link checking:

I follow a link on iTUnesU app preview page and what do i get...?
I follow a link on iTUnesU app preview page and what do i get…?

Good stuff…

[Related: from Patrick McAndrew, iBook Author – is it OER incompatible?]

PS I don’t have an iPad, or an iPhone, my Mac is running an O/S two versions old, and my iPod touch is first generation. So presumably I won’t be able to try any of the new stuff out anyway?

PPS I’m a little intrigued as to why redirects to but redirects to and redirects to The university wide top level navigation on the .edu site also leads in to pages, but then there is no browseable way back to the .edu site?

PPPS nice to see the iBooks Author app is “free”… you need a Mac with the latest O/S of course; and an iPad for the best reading experience. £1k should get you started, if you have the educational discount. Bargain. Free’s nice, isn’t it?:-)

Author: Tony Hirst

I'm a Senior Lecturer at The Open University, with an interest in #opendata policy and practice, as well as general web tinkering...

5 thoughts on “Apple of My i(TunesU)?”

  1. iTunes U is not DRM’d, no.

    Will a similar system come to Android? I guess the question is, do Google care enough to create something similar.

  2. @Mr_C That’s interesting… I noticed Pearson and McGraw Hill branding in one of the images around the news today, which is partly what made me think of DRM…

  3. There has never been DRM in iTunesU – I can’t imagine they’d start adding it now. And the .ibook format is apparently just epub 3, so it should be possible to view the books elsewhere (once epub 3 readers are available) – not sure how that’d work, though. I exported a sample book, and it installs and views just fine via the web, without going near iTunesU or the iBookstore.

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