Grabbing Screenshots of folium Produced Choropleth Leaflet Maps from Python Code Using Selenium

I had a quick play with the latest updates to the folium python package today, generating a few choropleth maps around some of today’s Gov.UK data releases.

The problem I had was that folium generates an interactive Leaflet map as an HTML5 document (eg something like an interactive Google map), but I wanted a static image of it – a png file. So here’s a quick recipe showing how I did that, using a python function to automatically capture a screengrab of the map…

First up, a simple function to get a rough centre for the extent of some boundaries in a geoJSON boundaryfile containing the boundaries for LSOAs in the Isle of Wight:

#GeoJSON from
import json
import fiona

centre_lon, centre_lat=((bounds[0]+bounds[2])/2,(bounds[1]+bounds[3])/2)

Now we can get some data – I’m going to use the average travel time to a GP from today’s Journey times to key services by lower super output area data release and limit it to the Isle of Wight data.

import pandas as pd




The next thing to do is generate the map – folium makes this quite easy to do: all I need to do is point to the geoJSON file (geo_path), declare where to find the labels I’m using to identify each shape in that file (key_on), include my pandas dataframe (data), and state which columns include the shape/area identifiers and the values I want to visualise (columns=[ID_COL, VAL_COL]).

import folium
m = folium.Map([centre_lat,centre_lon], zoom_start=11)

    columns=['LSOA_code', 'GPPTt'],
    fill_color='PuBuGn', fill_opacity=1.0

The map object is included in the variable m. If I save the map file, I can then use the selenium testing package to open a browser window that displays the map, generate a screen grab of it and save the image, and then close the browser. Note that I found I had to add in a slight delay because the map tiles occasionally took some time to load.

#!pip install selenium

import os
import time
from selenium import webdriver


#Save the map as an HTML file

#Open a browser window...
browser = webdriver.Firefox()
#..that displays the map...
#Give the map tiles some time to load
#Grab the screenshot
#Close the browser

Here’s the image of the map that was captured:


I can now upload the image to WordPress and include it in an automatically produced blog post:-)

PS before I hit on the Selenium route, I dabbled with a less useful, but perhaps still handy library for taking screenshots: pyscreenshot.

#!pip install pyscreenshot
import pyscreenshot as ImageGrab

im=ImageGrab.grab(bbox=(157,200,1154,800)) # X1,Y1,X2,Y2
#To grab the whole screen, omit the bbox parameter'screenAreGrab.png',format='png')

The downside was I had to find the co-ordinates of the area of the screen I wanted to grab by hand, which I couldn’t find a way of automating… Still, could be handy…

Author: Tony Hirst

I'm a Senior Lecturer at The Open University, with an interest in #opendata policy and practice, as well as general web tinkering...