Getting Web Services Up and Running on MicroSoft Azure Using Vagrant and the Azure CLI

As well as Getting Web Services Up and Running on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Using Vagrant and the AWS CLI, we can also use Vagrant to provision machines on other web hosts, such as the Microsoft Azure cloud paltform. In this post, I’ll describe a command line based recipe for doing just that.

To start with, you’ll need to get a Microsoft Azure account.

When you’ve done that, install the Azure command line interface (CLI). On a Mac:

curl -L | bash

For me, this installed to ~/bin/az.

With the client installed, login:

~/bin/az login

This requires a token based handshake with a Microsoft authentication website.

List the range of machine images available (if you haven’t set the path to az, use the full ~/bin/az):

az vm image list

There was only one that looked suitable to me for my purposes: Canonical:UbuntuServer:16.04-LTS:latest.

To run the provisioner, we need a Subscription ID; this will be used to set the vagrant .subscription_id parameter. These are listed on the Azure Portal.

We also need to create an Active Directory Service Principal:

az ad sp create-for-rbac

This information will be used to configure the Vagrantfile: the appId sets the vagrant .client_id, the password the .client_secret, and the tenant the .tenant_id.

You can also inspect the application in the App Registrations area of the Azure Portal.

Now let’s set up Vagrant. We’ll use the vagrant-azure plugin:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-azure --plugin-version '2.0.0.pre6'

We need to add a dummy box:

vagrant box add azure

Now let’s set up the Vagrantfile:

config.vm.provider :azure do |azure, override|
    #The path to your ssh keys
    override.ssh.private_key_path = '~/.ssh/id_rsa'

    #The default box we added = 'azure'
    #Set a territory

    #Provide your own group and VM name

    # Set an appropriate image (the UbuntuServer is actually the current default value)

    #Use a valid subscription ID
    azure.subscription_id = ENV['AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID']

    # Using details from the Active Directory Service Principal setup
    azure.tenant_id = ENV['AZURE_TENANT_ID']
    azure.client_id = ENV['AZURE_CLIENT_ID']
    azure.client_secret = ENV['AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET']


With the Vagrantfile parameters in place, we should then be able call the Azure provider using the command:

vagrant up --provider=azure

But we’re still not quite done… If you’re running services on the VM, populated from elsewhere in the Vagranfile, you’ll need to add some security rules to make the ports accessible. I’m running services on ports 80,35180 and 35181 for example:

az network nsg rule create -g tm351azuretest --nsg-name tm351azurevmtest-vagrantNSG --priority 130 --direction Inbound --destination-port-ranges 8888 --access Allow --name port_8888
az network nsg rule create -g tm351azuretest --nsg-name tm351azurevmtest-vagrantNSG --priority 130 --direction Inbound --destination-port-ranges 35181 --access Allow --name port_35181

Now we can lookup the IP address of the server:

az vm list-ip-addresses

and see if our applications are there :-)

Author: Tony Hirst

I'm a Senior Lecturer at The Open University, with an interest in #opendata policy and practice, as well as general web tinkering...

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