Imagining “Google AdPrompts”…

Watching the Google I/O keynote, and I’m bored witless by the “creative” tools it offers, and noting that the Google Search I no longer use will soon have “generated answers”.

I also wonder when we’ll see a “Google AdPrompts” service that:

  • parses a user query/prompt;
  • sells it to bidders
  • lets bidders add an “advertiser prompt” that gets mixed in with the system prompt and user prompt.

Every day is a day closer to retiring and a day closer to the day where I don’t feel I need to track any of this sh*t any more.

PS noting, throughout the keynote, the repeated use of “agentive”. Boll*cks. Complete and utter boll*cks.

Author: Tony Hirst

I'm a Senior Lecturer at The Open University, with an interest in #opendata policy and practice, as well as general web tinkering...

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