Local Data Journalism – Care Homes

The front page of this week’s Isle of Wight County Press describes a tragic incident relating to a particular care home on the Island earlier this year:



(Unfortunately, the story doesn’t seem to appear on the County Press’ website? Must be part of a “divide the news into print and online, and never the twain shall meet” strategy?!)

As I recently started pottering around the CQC website and various datasets they publish, I thought I’d jot down a few notes about what I could find. The clues from the IWCP article were the name of the care home – Waxham House, High Park Road, Ryde – and the proprietor – Sanjay Ramdany.

Using the “CQC Care Directory – With Filters” from the CQC data and information page, I found a couple of homes registered to that provider.

1-120578256, 19/01/2011, Waxham House, 1 High Park Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 1BP
1-120578313, 19/01/2011, Cornelia Heights 93 George Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 2JE

1-101701588, Mr Sanjay Prakashsingh Ramdany & Mrs Sandhya Kumari Ramdany

Looking up “Waxham House” on the CQC website gives us a copy of the latest report outcome:


Looking at the breadcrumb navigation, it seems we can directly get a list of other homes operated by the same proprietors:

cqc provider

I wonder if we can search the site by proprietor name too?

cqc properieot search

Looks like it…

So how did their other home fare?




By the by, according to the Food Standards Agency, how’s the food?



And how much money is the local council paying these homes?

(Note – I haven’t updated the following datasets for a bit – I also note I need to add dates to the transaction tables. local spending explorer info; app.)

[Click through on the image to see the app – hit Search to remove the error message and load the data!]



Why the refunds?

A check on OpenCorporates for director names turned up nothing.

I’m not trying to offer any story here about the actual case reported by the County Press, more a partial story about how we can start to look for data around a story to see if there may be more to the story we can find from open data sources.

Author: Tony Hirst

I'm a Senior Lecturer at The Open University, with an interest in #opendata policy and practice, as well as general web tinkering...