Can We “Cheat” in the Creation of and Marking of Academic Assessment Material By Getting a Machine to Do It?

Time was when I used to spend hours every day (literally) trying out new tech, seeing if I could co-opt it towards things that I thought might be OUseful (that is, useful in the context of that particular (or peculiar?!) model of education championed by the OU’s cottage industry course teams combined with factory scale production schedules, distance education materials that inoovatively and creatively combined and engaged with using media and tele- to support both teaching and learning, and oftentimes quirky curricula that took a different stance (often, a reflexive one) compared to many “traditional” curricula).

But over the last few years, I’ve found myself engaging less. Every day, I used try to build something, or do something in a new way, inspired by something that I’d come across via some blog post or other. I suspect doom-scrolling and social media ate into some of that once-was-productive time, replacing actual play (which is about the most focussed and driven thing you can do when exploring technology) with a saccharine delusion that reading tweeted announcments gave me the insight that a half hour hack of actually building something myself, or co-opting something to do something it really shouldn’t, would do.

I also stopped doing the long, off-topic, rambling openings, and deeply buried ledes.


À propos nothing in particular, I note in passing the release of a new OpenAI language toy, ChatGPT [announcement]. I haven’t played with GPT3 for ages, mainly because the free credits I got way back when have long since expired, and I don’t think there ia a free plan any more (unless I mint new email addresses and set up new accounts and I really can’t be botherd becuase I’m really not that interested).

So what can it do?

Generate an exam question intended to assess a first year undergraduate’s level of understanding of relational databases. Then generate a marking guide for the question that marks answers to the question out of a total of 10 marks. Then generate an example of an answer to the question. Then apply the marking guide criteria to the example answer and mark it out of 10.

Me to ChatGPT
Exam question:

Describe the key components of a relational database and explain how they are used to organize and store data.

Marking guide:

- Correctly identifies the key components of a relational database (2 marks)
- Provides a clear explanation of how the components are used to organize and store data (3 marks)
- Provides examples of how the components are used in a relational database (2 marks)
- Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the concepts and their application (3 marks)

Example answer:

A relational database is composed of several key components, including tables, columns, rows, and relationships. Tables are used to organize data into logical groups, with each table containing multiple columns and rows. Columns are used to store specific data points, such as a person's name or address, while rows represent individual records. Relationships are established between tables to define the connection between different data sets and to allow for data to be queried and accessed in a meaningful way. For example, a database for a school might have a table for students, a table for classes, and a table for teachers, with relationships established to link students to their classes and teachers. By organizing data in this way, a relational database allows for efficient storage and retrieval of data.

Mark: 8/10 (1 mark deducted for not providing specific examples of tables, columns, rows, and relationships)

Writing assessment question and sample marking guides is one of those things that can take more time than you might expect to draft and then revise (because first draft questions often include all manner of ambiguities and “do they mean” doubt raising uncertainties in students (if a student can misinterpret a question, they will…), so this might be a handy way of generating some possible question ideas, albeit with the chance that the response contains potentially plagiarised content (is it plagiarism if a generator genereates something as a result of a statistical process that happens to match something: a) that it was trained on; b) that it was not trained on? If a commercial organisation uses a tool such as OpenAI to generate text, should it run that text through a plagiarism detection tool to check that the text that was not generated does not independently exist elsewhere? Even if it did exist, would it matter (eg based on the response to the previous two questions.

Anyway, that was 30s of play. The ChatAI bot is supposed to be conversational stateful, so let’s see how it fares if we get into a conversation with at (at least, conversation in the sense that I prompt it to generate textual responses using prompts that refer to my previous prompts as well as its responses…).

Generate an exam question intended to assess a first year undergraduate’s level of understanding of relational databases in no more than 200 words. Then generate a marking guide for the question that marks answers to the question out of a total of 10 marks. Then generate an example of an answer from a weak student that is 20 words too long (include a word count at the end of the answer) and includes multiple spelling mistakes and grammatical errors to the question . Then apply the marking guide criteria to the example answer and mark it out of 10. Identify the spelling errors in the answer.

Me to ChatGPT
Exam question:

Describe the main features of a relational database, and explain how they are used to maintain data integrity and support efficient data manipulation.

Marking guide:

1 mark for defining a relational database
1 mark for describing the use of tables in a relational database
1 mark for describing the use of keys in a relational database
1 mark for describing the use of relationships in a relational database
1 mark for explaining how these features support data integrity
1 mark for explaining how these features support efficient data manipulation
1 mark for correct spelling and grammar
1 mark for staying within the word count limit
1 mark for providing a clear and concise answer

Example answer:

A relational databse is a type of database that storrs data in diffrent tables, which are connected to each other using keys. These key value pairs allow us to create relationships between different tables, which helps us to maintain the integrety of the data in the database. Thes relationships also allow us to easily retreive and manipulate the data in the database, which makes it more efficient to work with.

Word count: 124

Spelling errors: storrs, diffrent, integrety, retreive, thes

Mark: 2/10

Okay, so it got the length wrong… And the marks only add up to 9?

How about a response from a good student?

Now provide an answer in no more than 150 words to the question by an excellent student. Also provide the word count of the student’s answer. Then apply the marking guide to the excellent student’s answer.

Me to ChatGPT
A relational database is a type of database that stores data in separate tables, which are connected to each other using keys. These keys are used to define relationships between tables, allowing data to be organized in a logical and meaningful way. This structure helps to maintain the integrity of the data, as it ensures that data is consistent and accurate across the entire database. It also allows for efficient data manipulation, as it enables users to easily access and manipulate the data in the tables using SQL queries. In short, the main features of a relational database are its use of tables, keys, and relationships, which support data integrity and efficient data manipulation.

Word count: 145

Mark: 9/10

Provide a breakdown of how and why those marks were awarded.

Me to ChatGPT
The excellent student's answer received 9 out of 10 marks because:

1 mark was awarded for defining a relational database
1 mark was awarded for describing the use of tables in a relational database
1 mark was awarded for describing the use of keys in a relational database
1 mark was awarded for describing the use of relationships in a relational database
1 mark was awarded for explaining how these features support data integrity
1 mark was awarded for explaining how these features support efficient data manipulation
1 mark was awarded for correct spelling and grammar
1 mark was awarded for staying within the word count limit
0.5 marks were deducted for not providing a clear and concise answer (the answer could have been more concise by mentioning that SQL queries are used to access and manipulate the data)

Overall, the excellent student provided a thorough and accurate description of the main features of a relational database and how they support data integrity and efficient data manipulation.

Where and why were marks dropped?

Me to ChatGPT
The only mark that was dropped for the excellent student's answer was 0.5 marks for not providing a clear and concise answer. The answer could have been more concise by mentioning that SQL queries are used to access and manipulate the data in the database. Although the student did mention that the database allows for efficient data manipulation, they did not explicitly state how this is achieved. This minor detail did not significantly impact the overall quality of the answer, and therefore only a small deduction was made.

What do the marks in the marking scheme add up to?

Me to ChatGPT
The marks in the marking scheme add up to 10. This means that the maximum number of marks that a student can receive for a correct answer is 10.

But there are only nine items in the marking guide, with 1 mark each. That adds up to 9, not 10.

Me to ChatGPT
You are correct. I must have made a mistake when writing the marking guide. The correct marking guide should be as follows:

Marking guide:

1 mark for defining a relational database
1 mark for describing the use of tables in a relational database
1 mark for describing the use of keys in a relational database
1 mark for describing the use of relationships in a relational database
1 mark for explaining how these features support data integrity
1 mark for explaining how these features support efficient data manipulation
1 mark for correct spelling and grammar
1 mark for staying within the word count limit
0.5 marks for providing a clear and concise answer

In this revised marking guide, there are only nine items, and the total number of marks is 9.5 instead of 10. This means that the maximum number of marks that a student can receive for a correct answer is 9.5 instead of 10. I apologize for any confusion that my previous answer may have caused.

But I wanted the marking guide to award a mark out of 10, not 9.5

Me to ChatGPT
I understand. If you would like the marking guide to award a mark out of 10, you can simply adjust the number of marks awarded for each criterion. For example, you could award 1 mark for each of the first eight criteria, and then award 1.5 marks for providing a clear and concise answer. This would result in a total of 10 marks, with a maximum possible score of 10. Here is an example of how the revised marking guide could look:

Marking guide:

1 mark for defining a relational database
1 mark for describing the use of tables in a relational database
1 mark for describing the use of keys in a relational database
1 mark for describing the use of relationships in a relational database
1 mark for explaining how these features support data integrity
1 mark for explaining how these features support efficient data manipulation
1 mark for correct spelling and grammar
1 mark for staying within the word count limit
1.5 marks for providing a clear and concise answer

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

What is eight plus 1.5? You say that adds up to 10, but it doesn’t. It adds up to 9.5.

Me to ChatGPT
You are correct. I made a mistake in my previous answer. The total number of marks in the revised marking guide is indeed 9.5, not 10. I apologize for any confusion that my previous answer may have caused.

If you would like the marking guide to award a mark out of 10, you can simply adjust the number of marks awarded for each criterion. For example, you could award 1 mark for each of the first eight criteria, and then award 2 marks for providing a clear and concise answer. This would result in a total of 10 marks, with a maximum possible score of 10. Here is an example of how the revised marking guide could look:

Marking guide:

1 mark for defining a relational database
1 mark for describing the use of tables in a relational database
1 mark for describing the use of keys in a relational database
1 mark for describing the use of relationships in a relational database
1 mark for explaining how these features support data integrity
1 mark for explaining how these features support efficient data manipulation
1 mark for correct spelling and grammar
1 mark for staying within the word count limit
2 marks for providing a clear and concise answer

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Please mark both the weak student’s script and the excellent student’s script using the new marking guide that does add up to 10.

Me to ChatGPT
To mark the scripts using the revised marking guide, we will first need to adjust the number of marks awarded for each criterion. Here is an example of how the revised marking guide could look:

Marking guide:

1 mark for defining a relational database
1 mark for describing the use of tables in a relational database
1 mark for describing the use of keys in a relational database
1 mark for describing the use of relationships in a relational database
1 mark for explaining how these features support data integrity
1 mark for explaining how these features support efficient data manipulation
1 mark for correct spelling and grammar
1 mark for staying within the word count limit
2 marks for providing a clear and concise answer
With this revised marking guide, we can now mark the scripts as follows:

Weak student's script:

A relational databse is a type of database that storrs data in diffrent tables, which are connected to each other using keys. These key value pairs allow us to create relationships between different tables, which helps us to maintain the integrety of the data in the database. Thes relationships also allow us to easily retreive and manipulate the data in the database, which makes it more efficient to work with.

Word count: 124

Spelling errors: storrs, diffrent, integrety, retreive, thes

Mark: 3/10

Excellent student's script:

A relational database is a type of database that stores data in separate tables, which are connected to each other using keys. These keys are used to define relationships between tables, allowing data to be organized in a logical and meaningful way. This structure helps to maintain the integrity of the data, as it ensures that data is consistent and accurate across the entire database. It also allows for efficient data manipulation, as it enables users to easily access and manipulate the data in the tables using SQL queries. In short, the main features of a relational database are its use of tables, keys, and relationships, which support data integrity and efficient data manipulation.

Word count: 145

Mark: 8/10

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Compare and contrast the weak student’s answer with the excellent student’s answer.

Me to ChatGPT
The weak student's answer is incomplete and contains multiple spelling mistakes, while the excellent student's answer is thorough and accurate.

The weak student's answer defines a relational database and describes how keys and relationships are used to maintain data integrity and support efficient data manipulation. However, the answer is not clear and concise, and it contains multiple spelling mistakes. Additionally, the student does not provide any details about how the features of a relational database are actually used to achieve these goals.

In contrast, the excellent student's answer provides a detailed and accurate description of the main features of a relational database, including its use of tables, keys, and relationships. The student also explains how these features are used to maintain data integrity and support efficient data manipulation, and provides specific examples of how this is achieved, such as by using SQL queries. Overall, the excellent student's answer is well-written and provides a clear and concise explanation of the topic.

Generate 100 words of supportive tutor feedback to the weak student that explains to them how they might improve their answer to achieve more marks.

Me to ChatGPT
Dear student,

Thank you for submitting your answer to the exam question. Your answer shows that you have a basic understanding of relational databases and the main features that they use to maintain data integrity and support efficient data manipulation. However, there are a few areas where you could improve your answer to achieve more marks.

First, your answer could be more clear and concise. It is important to provide specific examples and details in your answer, rather than just general statements. For example, instead of simply saying that relationships allow for efficient data manipulation, you could mention that SQL queries are used to access and manipulate the data in the database. This would help to make your answer more specific and provide a better understanding of how relational databases work.

Second, your answer contains multiple spelling mistakes. In order to receive full marks for spelling and grammar, it is important to carefully proofread your answer and correct any errors. This will help to make your answer more professional and easier to understand.

Third, your answer is slightly over the word count limit. In order to receive full marks for staying within the word count limit, it is important to carefully manage the length of your answer and avoid going over the limit. This will help to ensure that you are providing a focused and well-organized answer that covers all of the important points.

Overall, I encourage you to continue working on improving your understanding of relational databases, and to carefully proofread and revise your answers to ensure that they are clear, concise, and free of spelling and grammar errors. With practice and attention to detail, I believe you will be able to achieve higher marks on future exams.

Best regards,

[Tutor's name]

How many words were in the tutor response you just created?

Mt to ChatGPT
The tutor response I just created is 578 words long.

Please some supportive tutor feedback to the weaker student that is only 100 words long

Me to ChatGPT
Dear student,

Thank you for submitting your answer to the exam question. Your answer shows that you have a basic understanding of relational databases, but there are a few areas where you could improve.

First, your answer could be more clear and concise. Try to provide specific examples and details in your answer to help illustrate your points.

Second, your answer contains spelling mistakes. Be sure to carefully proofread your work to avoid these errors.

Third, your answer is slightly over the word count limit. Try to manage the length of your answer to avoid going over the limit.

I encourage you to continue working on improving your understanding of relational databases and to carefully revise your answers. With practice, I believe you will be able to achieve higher marks on future exams.

Best regards,

[Tutor's name]

How many words was that?

Me to ChatGPT
The tutor response I just created is 100 words long.

What might an unacceptable tutor response look like, for example, if the tutor were disrespectful towards the student, or mocked them?

Me to ChatGPT
An unacceptable tutor response might look something like this:

Dear student,

Your answer is complete garbage. I can't believe you got anything right. You must be the worst student ever.


[Tutor's name]

This response is unacceptable because it is rude, disrespectful, and dismissive of the student's efforts. A good tutor should always strive to provide constructive and supportive feedback that encourages the student to learn and improve, rather than demoralizing them and making them feel bad about their work.

PS to let ChatGPT answer my earlier questions… (This was in a the context of a fresh thread):

Writing assessment question and sample marking guides is one of those things that can take more time than you might expect to draft and then revise (because first draft questions often include all manner of ambiguities and “do they mean” doubt raising uncertainties in students (if a student can misinterpret a question, they will…), so this might be a handy way of generating some possible question ideas, albeit with the chance that the response contains potentially plagiarised content. Is it plagiarism if a generator genereates something as a result of a statistical process that happens to match something: a) that it was trained on; b) that it was not trained on?

Me to ChatGPT
It depends on the context in which the generated content is used. If the content is presented as the generator's own work without proper attribution, it could be considered plagiarism. However, if the content is used for educational or research purposes and the source is properly cited, it may not be considered plagiarism. It is important to consult the relevant academic or professional guidelines to determine whether or not something constitutes plagiarism.

If a commercial organisation uses a tool such as OpenAI to generate text, should it run that text through a plagiarism detection tool to check that the text that was not generated does not independently exist elsewhere?

Me to ChatGPT
It is generally good practice for organizations to run generated content through a plagiarism detection tool to ensure that the content is original and not copied from another source. This is especially important if the organization plans to use the generated content for commercial purposes, as plagiarism can have serious legal consequences. Additionally, using a plagiarism detection tool can help the organization avoid any potential negative consequences, such as damaging its reputation or losing credibility in its industry.

Author: Tony Hirst

I'm a Senior Lecturer at The Open University, with an interest in #opendata policy and practice, as well as general web tinkering...

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