Yahoo Pipes Code Generator (Python): Pipe2Py

Wouldn’t it be nice if you coud use Yahoo Pipes as a visual editor for generating your own feed powered applications running on your own server? Now you can… One of the concerns occasionally raised around Yahoo Pipes (other than the stability and responsiveness issues) relates to the dependence that results on the Yahoo pipes … Continue reading “Yahoo Pipes Code Generator (Python): Pipe2Py”

Yahoo Pipes Retires…

And so it seem that Yahoo Pipes, a tool I first noted here (February 08, 2007), something I created lots of recipes for (see also on the original, archived OUseful site), ran many a workshop around (and even started exploring a simple recipe book around) is to be retired (end of life annoucement)… It’s not … Continue reading “Yahoo Pipes Retires…”

Appropriating IT: Glue Steps

Over the years, I’ve been fortunate enough to have been gifted some very evocative, and powerful, ideas that immediately appealed to me when I first heard them and that I’ve been able to draw on, reuse and repurpose over and over again. One such example is “glue logic”, introduced to me by my original OU … Continue reading “Appropriating IT: Glue Steps”

Exporting Yahoo Pipe Definitions, Compiling Them to Python, and Running Them in Scraperwiki

[Update Jun 2105 – it seem Yahoo Pipes is finally shutting down – see my obituary for it here: Reflections on the Closure of Yahoo Pipes.] So you’ve got a whole bunch of Yahoo Pipes running some critical information feeds, but you’re fearful that Yahoo Pipes is going to disappear: what are you going to … Continue reading “Exporting Yahoo Pipe Definitions, Compiling Them to Python, and Running Them in Scraperwiki”

Just in Case – Saving Your Yahoo Pipes…

Yahoo is laying off again, so just in case, if you’re a user of Yahoo Pipes, it may be worth exporting the “source code” of your pipes or any pipes that you make frequent use of in case the Yahoo Pipes service gets cut. Why? Well, a little known fact about Yahoo pipes is that … Continue reading “Just in Case – Saving Your Yahoo Pipes…”

A Bit of NewsJam MoJo – SocialGeo Twitter Map

At the Mozilla/Knight/Guardian/BBC NewsJam #mojo event on Saturday (review by Martin Belam; see also Martin’s related review of the news:rewired event the day before), I was part of a small team that looked at how we might start validating folk tweeting about a particular news event. Here’s a brief write up of our design… Try … Continue reading “A Bit of NewsJam MoJo – SocialGeo Twitter Map”

On flickr, delicious and Yahoo Pipes…

According to Slideshare, it was four years ago that I ran a series of social bookmarking workshops in the OU: At the time, I was a fan of delicious (still am), because it did what it did and it did it well enough. As part of the workshop, I tried to encourage folk to use … Continue reading “On flickr, delicious and Yahoo Pipes…”

Linked Data Without the SPARQL – OU/BBC Programmes on iPlayer

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been trying to look at the Linked Data project from different points of view. Part of the reason for this is to try to find one or more practical ways in that minimise the need to engage too much with the scary looking syntax. (Whether it really is scary … Continue reading “Linked Data Without the SPARQL – OU/BBC Programmes on iPlayer”

Backup and Run Yahoo Pipes Pipework on Google App Engine

Wouldn’t it be handy if you could use Yahoo Pipes as code free rapid prototyping development environment, then export the code and run it on your own server, or elsewhere in the cloud? Well now you can, using Greg Gaughan’s pipe2py and the Google App Engine “Pipes Engine” app. As many readers of will … Continue reading “Backup and Run Yahoo Pipes Pipework on Google App Engine”

5 Minute Hack – QR Codes from an RSS Feed

Skimming through my feeds a few minutes ago, I saw a post by Karen Coombs on the OCLC Developer blog about QR Code hacks to “mass generate QR Codes for all the web addresses of the applications in the [OCLC] Application Gallery”. The technique uses a bit of PHP to parse a feed from the … Continue reading “5 Minute Hack – QR Codes from an RSS Feed”