News: Arise All Ye Notebooks

A handful of brief news-y items…

Netflix Polynote Notebooks

Netflix have announced a new notebook candidate, Polynote [code], capable of running polyglot notebooks (scala, Python, SQL) with fixed cell ordering, variable inspector and WYSIWYG text authoring.

At the moment you need to download and install it yourself (no official Docker container yet?) but from the currently incomplete installation docs, it looks like there may be other routes on the way…

The UI is clean, and whilst perhaps slightly more cluttered than vanilla Jupyter notebooks it’s easier on the eye (to my mind) than JupyterLab.

Cells are code cells or text cells, the text cells offering a WYSIWYG editor view:

One of the things I note is the filetype: .ipynb.

Code cells are sensitive to syntax, with a code completion prompt:

I really struggle with code complete. I can’t write import pandas as pd RETURN because that renders as import pandas as pandas. Instead I have to enter import pandas as pd ESC RETURN.

Running cells are indicated with a green sidebar to the cell (you can get a similar effect in Jupyter notebooks with the multi-outputs extension):

I couldn’t see how to connect to a SQL database, nor did I seem to get an error from running a presumably badly formed SQL query?

The execution model is supposed to enforce linear execution, but I could insert a cell after and unrun cell and get an error from it (so the execution model is not run all cells above either literally, or based on analysis of the programme abstract syntax tree?)

There is a variable inspector, although rather than showing or previewing cell state, you just get a listing of variables and then need to click through to view the value:

I couldn’t see how to render a matplotibl plot:

The IPython magic used in Jupyter notebooks throws an error, for example:

This did make me realise that cell lines are line numbered on one side and there’s a highlight shown on the other side which line errored. I couldn’t seem to click through to raise a more detailed error trace though?

On the topic of charts, if you have a Vega chart spec, you can paste that into a Vega spec type code cell and it will render the chart when you run the cell:

The developers also seem to be engaging with the “open” thing…

Take it for a spin today by heading over to our website or directly to the code and let us know what you think! Take a look at our currently open issues and to see what we’re planning, and, of course, PRs are always welcome! is another new not-really-a-notebook alternative, pip installable and locally runnable. The model appears to be that you create a Python file and run the streamlit server against that file. Trying to print("Hello World") doesn’t appear to have any effect — so that’s a black mark as far as I’n concerned! — but the display is otherwise very clean.

Hovering top right will raise the context menu (if it’s timed-out itself closed) showing if the source file has recently been saved and not rerun, or allowing you to always rerun the execution each time the file is saved.

I’m not sure if there’s any cacheing of steps that are slow to run if associated code hasn’t changed up to that point in a newly saved file.

Ah, it looks there is…

… and the docs go into further detail, with the use of decorators to support cacheing the output of particular functions.

I need to play with this a bit more, but it looks to me like it’d make for a really interesting VS Code extension. It also has the feel of Scripted Forms, as was, (a range of widgets are available in streamlit as UI components), and R’s Shiny application framework. It also feels like something I guess you could do in Jupyterlab, perhaps with a bit of Jupytext wiring.

In a similar vein,  a package called Handout also appeared a few weeks ago, offering the promise of “[t]urn[ing] Python scripts into handouts with Markdown comments and inline figures”. I didnlt spot it in the streamlit UI, but it’d be useful to be able to save or export the rendered streamlit document eg as an HTML file, or even as an ipynb notebook, with run cells, rather than having to save it via the browser save menu?

Wolfram Notebooks

Wolfram have just announced their new, “free” Wolfram Notebooks service, the next step in the evolution of Wolfram Cloud (announcement review], I guess? (I scare-quote “free because, well, Wolfram; you’d also need to carefully think about the “open” and “portable” aspects…

*Actually, I did try to have a play, but I went to the various sites labelled as “Wolfram Notebooks” and I couldn’t actually find a 1-click get started (at all, let alone, for “free”) link button anywhere obvious?

Ah… here we go:

[W]e’ve set it up so that anyone can make their own copy of a published notebook, and start using it; all they need is a (free) Cloud Basic account. And people with Cloud Basic accounts can even publish their own notebooks in the cloud, though if they want to store them long term they’ll have to upgrade their account.

Linear Cell Based Data Cleaning and Analysis Workflows With Workbench

[Things have moved on since this post was published… For a review of Workbench as of 2021, see Jon Udell’s more recent post A beautiful power tool to scrape, clean, and combine data]

One of the nice features of data cleaning tool OpenRefine is that whilst it is a spreadsheet like, GUI driven tool, you can view the (linear) history of operations you applied to a particular dataset, as well as exporting them:

The exported operations history can then be imported into another project with another dataset oft he same form, which means you can use OpenRefine to clean multiple documents in the same way. (The history is exported as a JSON file, which you can edit, for example by removing reordering operations. I’m not sure if operations can be reordered in OpenRefine, although they can be undone in reverse application order.)

The exported operations sidebar – and export file – thus provide a way of documenting, in part, a set of data cleaning operations, although you can’t annotate or comment the actions.

Via Owen Stephens, a long-time hard-core OpenRefine user, I was tipped off to another data cleaning tool, Workbench. An open source project from Columbia Journalism School (repo), this is being developed as a tool for data journalists, the history of operations is displayed up front and centre (well, to the side, but always in view) as a project workflow:

Clicking on any step in the workflow reflows the displayed data to the output of that step – an arrow indicates from which step in the workflow the central display is derived.

The workflow can also be documented by adding (optional) comments immediately before a particular step in the workflow:

The range of possible operations, or modules as they are referred to in Workbench, is impressive [module docs]. To start with, a range of data import modules are provided:

The file uploader can upload CSV or Excel files, though I’m not sure how really crappy spreadsheets or multi-sheet Excel files are supposed to be handled (it didn’t seem to work for me)? (The Join Workflow option also looks intriguing…)

As well as some simple scraping support:

There is a good selection of data cleaning operations:

As well as cleaning steps, a range of analysis modules can also be added to the workflow:

The Select SQL temporarily pops the data into a SQLite database (I’m guessing….) and lets you then run SQL queries on it. One thing perhaps lacking from the import options is an ‘import from SQL’ option (OpenRefine has recently added support for database connections).

Finally, there is a set of visualisation modules than can be used to generate simple charts:

In OpenRefine, the templated export facility provides a way of converting rows to text based summary reports, and offhand I don’t spot a correlate of that in the provided Workbench modules.

However, there is a more general cell that may provide a way of doing this:

although that didn’t seem to work for me?

It also looks like you can create and import your own modules from Github:

The modules are defined using a JSON configuration file (module metadata and parameters), and a Python script (which does the actual data processing) [see the docs for more details]. This makes me think Workbench might provide a useful playground for creating simple textualisers as custom modules designed to work with particular sorts of dataset (note to self: revisit pytracery… ).

By default, projects are private, although they can be shared to a public URL. Public workflows can also be cloned (Duplicate), which means you can grab someone else’s workflow and make it your own.

One other nice feature of the environment is that it supports “tutorials” as well as “workflows”, which allow you to add a further scaffolding sidebar that talks someone through the creation of their own worfklow:

Poking around the repo (CJWorkbench/cjworkbench/server/lessons), it looks as if separate lessons are each defined using a single HTML file.

As an open source project, instructions are also provided to set up and run your own Workbench development environment, deployed as a set of Docker containers.

This got me thing it would be nice to have a simple “single user” Docker setup that would provide me with a temporary workbench that I could use as a disposable (stateless) application, preserving the workflow by exporting it rather than saving it to a personal Workbench account. (Hmm… thinks: I couldn’t see a way to export workflows?)

Under the hood, Workbench seems to use pandas and provides a useful, and powerful, user interface abstraction over it.

On a quick look, I didn’t spot any Jupyter machinery. However, the workflow panel is very much notebook style (text and code cells, with text cells tied to successor code cells, and a single selected cell output view) and gets around the hidden state problem in notebooks by forcing a linear execution model, reactive output display for a particular selected cell.

All in all, a really neat application, although like Owen, who I think defaults to using OpenRefine as his universal hammer, I’ll probably still default to using Jupyter Notebooks as mine.

PS In passing, looking at Workbench got me idly wondering about the graphical flow based Orange graphical data analysis environment, and how learner experiences of Jupyter Notebooks vs Workbench vs Orange might compare?